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Hand Towels / Pot Holders


It hangs on any stove handle, any towel rack. You can also put it on your apron. Open it up and use the potholder to put a hot dish on, and have a decorative towel around your dish.

Gift Packets


Gift packets come with, 1 Handtowel-Potholder 1 Matching Oven Mitt 2 Matching washcloths.

Kid's Apron's


Microwavable Bowls


Never burn your hands again. Put your bowl of soup or anything you would like to warm up in a bowl. Put it in the microwaveable bowl and put in the microwave and warm it up, and then remove from microwave. NO BURNT HANDS

Scissor Holder / Skillet Pot Holder


Use to hang scissors or use on any skillet handle on the stove, or removing a skillet from the oven.

Eyeglass Case Holder / Misc Holder
